Philly’s UN Water Week Event – Link to Video if You Missed It!

Philadelphians got a sneak preview of UN Water Week (NYC, March 22 – 24) on Friday, March 17th with a panel on Basin-wide Cooperation for Drought Resilience: Case Studies to Inform Transboundary Management, Co-hosted by Rohit Aggarwala, Chief Climate Officer of New York City, and Howard Neukrug, Executive Director of the University of Pennsylvania’s Water Center.

A panel of leaders from the Delaware River Basin and beyond discussed areas of cooperation within their basins and how their stories can inform successful transboundary water management.

Rohit Aggawrala, Chief Climate Officer of New York City, and Howard Neukrug, Executive Director of the University of Pennsylvania’s Water Center Co-hosted

The audience heard presentations from leaders in the Delaware River Basin, the Colorado River Basin, and the Danube, followed by a panel discussion between leaders and audience questions. Speakers and panelists: Steve Tambini,  Executive Director of the Delaware River Basin Commission; Rohit Aggarwala, Chief Climate Officer of New York City; Jeffrey Hoffman, State Geologist, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection; Shanti Rosset from the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, Birgit Vogel Executive Director of The International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR); and Steven Smailer, Director of Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control’s (DNREC) Division of Water. 

If you missed the event, you can see the video here.

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