Skelly Holmbeck

Executive Director
Skelly serves as Executive Director for the Water Resources Association of the Delaware River Basin (WRADRB), promoting the sustainable and resilient management of water resources within the Delaware River basin, which spans four states and provides drinking water for 15 million people. She serves as Treasurer for the Chester County Solid Waste Authority Board, is on the Board of Directors for the Smart Energy Initiative of Southeastern Pennsylvania, and is a Lead Mentor for the Cleantech Open Northeast.  
Skelly has led teams to protect environmental resources, manage risk, and ensure communications during crisis in the energy and water resources sectors.  Skelly led sustainability initiatives for NextEra Energy, where she launched an international partnership with Oxford, TCU, Stanford, UCLA, Duke University, the Pew Center on Global Climate Change, USFWS, and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory to address key challenges to the growth of sustainable and resilient energy infrastructure.  She served as Policy Director for Riverkeeper, worked with Dr. Judy Meyer to launch UGA’s River Basin Science and Policy Center, and worked at Los Alamos National Lab to evaluate groundwater risk from nuclear waste.
Skelly has a BS in physics from Clemson, and an MS in Hydrogeology from the University of Georgia.  She is certified in Zero Waste and as a Six Sigma coach.