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DRBC Water Management Advisory Committee Meeting

February 8, 2023 | 10:00 am - 12:00 pm | Virtual

Several WRA members serve on this committee:

  • Seung Ah Byun, Ph.D., P.E., Chester County Water Resources Authority, serves as Committee Chair
  • Kelly Anderson, Philadelphia Water Department, serves as Committee Vice-Chair
  • Preston Luitweiler serves on the committee as Water Resources Association of the Delaware River Basin’s representative
  • Kathleen Thaeder and Virginia Eisenbrey (Alternate), Artesian Water Company, serve as representatives for the water utility sector

This meeting will be held remotely via Zoom Webinar. A draft agenda is forthcoming.

The Commission’s advisory committees provide a forum for the exchange of information and viewpoints on a variety of issues. Presentations made at public meetings of the Commission’s advisory committees are posted on the DRBC web site for the convenience of participants and the public, in order to encourage informed discussion and debate.

  • There are currently two openings on the WMAC: Industry & Water Utility. The five-year term for both begins on July 1, 2023, and goes through June 30, 2028. Learn more & apply.

Event Details



February 8, 2023


10:00 am - 12:00 pm
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