Ms. Rowan has been nationally recognized for advancing policies for the integrated management of water resources as long-time active member, board member and then president of the American Water Resources Association. Her technical expertise is in fresh and marine wetland science and restoration ecology, functional assessment, water supply, environmental impact assessment, remote sensing and mapping of habitat, limnology, Section 404 Clean Water Act (CWA) permitting and policy; presence or absence of protected species, and evaluation of critical habitats.
Ms. Rowan provides a high level of knowledge in science, policy and management to inform successful strategies that avoid impacts for planning and design of large scale projects and programs tied to public infrastructure, including renewable and traditional power generation and transmission projects, state and national parks in urban and wilderness locations; coastal and inland ecosystem restoration, green building and site design, water supply reservoirs, low impact methods of site development and environmental restoration.
Ms. Rowan serves as the President of the Water Resources Association of the Delaware River Basin. This unique organization pre-dates the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) and serves to represent the regulated community in the Basin. Leading this organization requires a knowledge of the variety of water users within the basin, an understanding of the ecology and water quality, and the operations and the regulatory requirements imposed upon uses in the Basin by a myriad of agencies, including five states, the USACE, the USEPA and the DRBC.