Andrew R. Homsey is Geospatial Services Manager at the University of Delaware’s Water Resources Center (DWRC), a unit of the Institute for Public Administration at the Biden School of Public Policy & Administration. Andrew has worked at the DWRC for the past twenty years, and supports the mission of providing watershed technical, policy, and research support to state and local governments in Delaware and the surrounding region. Project areas include water quality, stormwater mapping and modelling, watershed management, and support for a variety of collaborations with water professionals within the University community as well as governmental, nonprofit, and watershed organizations.
Specific areas of interest and expertise include the use of Geographic information System (GIS) techniques to track, model and analyze water resources and watershed trends. Current and past projects include inventory and analysis of tidal marsh conditions, effects on infrastructure from storms, tidal surges, and potential sea level rise, economic benefits of clean water and healthy ecosystems. Andrew has developed and teaches several graduate courses in Geospatial Research Methods at the University of Delaware, and is active in the supervision of student research and related project work. Andrew serves on the Resource Protection Area Technical Advisory Committee (RPATAC) for New Castle County, Delaware, the Science and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) for the Delaware Center for the Inland Bays, and is current president of the Brandywine Red Clay Alliance (BRC) board of directors.
Prior to working at the DWRC, Andrew was a GIS and remote sensing specialist at NOAA’s National Geodetic Survey, and also spent many years at the University of Georgia’s Center for Remote Sensing and Mapping Science (CRMS) in the field of photogrammetry, remote sensing of the environment, and satellite mapping. Previous work also includes urban and cultural geography, specifically in the planning, design of transportation and land use in the built environment. Andrew has a Bachelor’s of Arts in Geography from the University of Delaware, and many years of graduate study in computer methods and techniques in geographic research.