A new Philadelphia Police Department project to revamp the 16th District headquarters at 39th Street and Lancaster Avenue is protecting and serving… our waterways.
“While we collaborate with an array of Philly-based organizations and City agencies, this is our first time joining forces with the Philadelphia Police Department (PPD) and the Department of Public Property (DPP) on a large-scale Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) installation that also reinvests in buildings and structures where City employees work and where City equipment is housed.”
As the first official PWD project on a PPD site, this endeavor is a model for future PPD greening projects.
“It’s a win-win when we can prioritize both capital upgrades and stormwater greening at City facilities and parking lots,” says PWD City Planner Amy Liu. “With DPP, PPD and the Fire Department, we will continue to develop innovative partnership strategies to co-invest on public safety sites while complementing safety and community outreach needs.”