Seung Ah Byun, Chester County Water Resources Authority

In 2017, Chester County Commissioners hired Seung Ah Byun, Ph.D., PE, as Executive Director of the Chester County Water Resources Authority (CCWRA). Seung Ah has 25 years of extensive water resources experience in nonprofit, government, academia, and private consulting.

Seung Ah Byun, PhD, PE
Executive Director, Chester County Water Resources Authority

In 2017, Chester County Commissioners hired Seung Ah Byun, Ph.D., PE, as Executive Director of the Chester County Water Resources Authority (CCWRA). Seung Ah has 25 years of extensive water resources experience in nonprofit, government, academia, and private consulting.

Prior to joining CCWRA, Seung Ah served as a water resource engineer with the Delaware River Basin Commission in West Trenton, New Jersey, and as the Senior Planner for Water Resources with the Brandywine Conservancy. She also contributed to the development of watershed management plans, conducted source water assessments, and analyzed wastewater collection systems during her time with CDM Smith, Inc., an engineering and construction firm. Her collective experience spans the water resources field, ranging from water supply availability to stormwater management to local policy-based initiatives for water quality improvement.

Seung Ah received her Bachelor of Science degree in Systems Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania, Master of Science degree in Environmental Engineering from Drexel University, and a doctorate from the University of Pennsylvania in City and Regional Planning, with a focus on environmental planning and urban design. She has also served as an adjunct instructor at the University of Pennsylvania, Weitzman School of Design.

Seung Ah’s path has made her well equipped to serve as CCWRA’s Executive Director. Chester County’s award-winning Water Resources Authority was created by the County Commissioners in 1961 and remains Pennsylvania’s only county-level water resources management agency. CCWRA oversees regional flood protection facilities, leads implementation of the County’s Comprehensive Integrated Water Resources Plan, and is responsible for other sustainable water resources management programs.

She accepted the position looking forward to the challenge of managing and protecting Chester County’s valuable water resources. Fortunately, Seung Ah is surrounded by an amazing staff and Board of Directors, who support the mission of the CCWRA. She has assistance from County Commissioners and departments, partner organizations, municipalities, and other stakeholders to continue to protect and restore Chester County’s valuable water resources.

Seung Ah always knew she wanted a career in water resources and has worked hard to excel in the field. Throughout her career path, she has gained knowledge, experience, mentorship, and personal connections that continue to support her in her current position and in the water resources field at large.