How Technology, AI and Innovation are Advancing the Water Industry
Join Veolia’s Vice President Larry Finnicum, Essential Utilities’ Vice President and Chief Information Officer Sumit Nair, Water Investor Vinod Jose, and Michael Lesniak with Aquatech for a conversation about how career paths in the water sector are evolving as the need for innovative solutions to sustainability and resilience challenges become more urgent.
WRAS’s Executive Director, Skelly Holmbeck, will serve as Moderator for The Water Center at Penn’s annual Careers in the Water Industry event, focused this year on How Technology, AI and Innovation are Advancing the Water Industry.
The Keynote speaker, John Henry, Founder and CEO of Grace3 Technologies, will talk about his work accelerating justice and digital accessibility through intelligent infrastructure.
Presented in partnership with PennClubH2O, Penn Earth and Environmental Sciences Department, the Penn Center for Science, Sustainability, and the Media (PCSSM), Penn Environmental Innovations Initiative, Penn Career Services, and Wharton MBA Career Management, the event takes place during Climate Week at Penn and is conveniently scheduled the day after the Global Water Alliance 17th Annual Conference on Nature-based Solutions for WaSH: Resilience for Humans and Nature.