Chester County Water Resources Authority will host two stormwater implementation workshops in May

Municipalities with MS4 permits should plan to update their ordinance to be consistent with the updated County-wide Model Ordinance by September 30, 2022. The adopted Model Ordinance has been submitted to PA DEP for their final review and approval in accordance with PA Act 167. A letter will be sent to municipalities once PA DEP’s final review has been completed.

Municipalities with MS4 permits should plan to update their ordinance to be consistent with the updated County-wide Model Ordinance by September 30, 2022.

To assist municipalities with updating their stormwater ordinances, CCWRA will host two implementation workshops in May. Both workshops will be held in Room 351 East at the Government Services Center at 601 Westtown Road, West Chester and will be also streamed via Zoom.

The first workshop is scheduled for May 6 from 9:00 to 11:00 AM. You can register to attend this workshop in-person or virtually.

The second workshop is scheduled for May 24 from 1:00 to 3:00 PM. You can register to attend this workshop in-person or to attend virtually via Zoom.

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